About Us

about us

Ben Garrison and his wife Tina are freelance artists living in Montana.

We are trying to do our part by means of artwork to help raise awareness of the drift toward tyranny.
We as private citizens need to reclaim and fight for our rights as enumerated in our Constitution. It’s time to speak out and express our outrage at the growing tyranny of Big Government. That’s why we created GrrrGraphics!

30 Responses to About Us

  1. Your latest Statist cartoon is great as always. Your toons should be featured everywhere but have you tried Break the Matrix? I hope you don’t mind, I added a comment to their writers section suggesting they carry you stuff. Keep up the good work…


  2. Todd Eastman says:

    Hey, really love the cartoon. I’m a fumbling artist and kind of lean the same way in my “creations.” They tend to have political messages. Also love the web design. Good job all the way around!

  3. Mike says:

    Great job! I love the cartoons, they are so artistic, and I bring them to my friends’ attention whenever I can.

  4. Garry Reed says:

    I’m a libertarian who has been writing two columns since 2008-2009: Dallas Libertarian Examiner and Libertarian News Examiner. As you’re a libertarian cartoonist and I’m a libertarian writer may I have your explicit permission to use your cartoons from time to time to illustrate my articles? I will give attribution such as “Ben Garrison — used with permission” and a link to the specific website or FB page where I found the cartoon.

    • GrrrGraphics says:

      Hi Garry,

      Yes, you have my permission to use my cartoons and if you want a specific one, I can email you a higher-res version. If I have time and you have an idea, I’d consider drawing a custom cartoon for you.

      Thanks, Ben
      you can contact me directly through the http://www.grrrgraphics.com contact form

  5. intheflow88 says:

    Hi Ben,

    I’m a libertarian who has been enjoying your cartoons for years. I’m also a fluoride activist and the Fluoride Action Network is having a poster contest for their campaign. I thought of you immediately. If you are interested please check out fluoridealert.org to see the main points. The fluoride out movement is international in scope and our momentum is very exciting. Last year Israel and Ireland made fluoride illegal.

    This is from their newsletter today:

    A poster competition

    And speaking of creativity here is a competition for the graphic artists among you. We are looking for a poster, which depicts our battle against water fluoridation that can be used in our campaigns. The winner can select 5 items from our list of premiums, including the 50 Reasons Playing Cards (Click here to see premiums). The deadline for this poster design is December 29, 2015. Please send your entries as a JPEG file via email to ellen@fluoridealert.org. The winner will be announced at midnight Dec 31.


    Stuart Cooper
    Campaign Manager

    I would email Ellen and Stuart and ask them what images they feel would serve the fluoride out campaign, because it can take a while to get up to speed. I keep thinking if people knew it is not natural fluoride that is put in our water, but hydrosilicic acid (not spelled right) which is a hazardous waste from the phosphate fertilizer industry which is trucked to our water districts and sold as fluoride. That’s why the opposition has so much money to fight our efforts. They are selling their hazardous waste which is getting put in our water. This is the big secret that if everyone knew, fluoride would never be tolerated. Perhaps an image of a tanker truck going from a phosphate fertilizer factory to a water treatment plant with hazardous waste printed on the side and a water guy giving the factory guy a wad of taxpayer cash. And something indicating that fluoride is really hydrosilicic.acid.

    If you miss the deadline, do it anyway. It will still boost this movement.

    Feel free to contact me for support.
    Susan Landes

  6. tridus says:

    Hello Grrrgraphics! We blogged about your cartoons, and would love to talk with you more in the near future (as a possible blog interview). Check out the article we did at: https://libertopiacartoon.wordpress.com/2015/04/20/libertarian-artists-part-1/
    Also, we currently have an art contest going until May 15 (2015)! Thanks again for your awesome work 🙂

  7. James Langfield says:

    I am happy to see that the trolls have finally left you alone!
    It seems your tactic of siding with the less radical part of their agenda has worked. Keep it up, I think your new work has been even better than before. I support Trump and making America great again.
    I have shown many of your cartoons to my friends, and almost all of them agree that they are not bad for an artist with so little light in the media, and can agree with the political points you are making.

  8. Dear Ben and Tina:
    I am 56 and have seen excellent material from others over the years of the type you have created, but your “Attack Of The Cry Bullies” is the Mona Lisa of its genre. Words fail me to put into words how sublime it is. Your perceptive, expressive and graphic talent is a gift that multitudes of others need to witness. I understand you are working on more work. I hope you will be able to create additional material and place it in book form. I would be delighted to purchase it and give it as gifts. You are like a news Jim Unger of Herman or Don Martin (from the 1960’s) with their innovative art. I strongly suggest you do whatever you can to move towards large scale marketing. You should do quite well financially and it could free both of you to work full time in this humorous and educational desperately needed ministry. I have a website named soulrock.org which I just published where I direct people to your site. I am a conservative Christian and for people so inclined among other secular libertarian minded people, you should be able to sell a million or two books easy.

    Thanks for your outstanding efforts. Appreciatively. Shawn Edwards, Ontario, Canada

  9. Alex Anthony says:

    Dear Garrry,
    As a logic- and fact-oriented person, I have to listen 2 all my acquaintances that I should be 100% TOLERANT towards religious people’s “right” to expressing their beliefs, however and wherever they please. Would you agree? ;))

    P.s.: Liked your “Attack of the Crybullies …” a lot!

  10. Good stuff Ben. This exile/expat misses Montana, you’re lucky to still be able to drink the water & breathe the air –

    A Whistle-Blower’s Odyssey of Survival

  11. stephan mckenzie says:

    Would like to see I there is demand for the Bernie sanders chicken shirt… also if your planning a run of those

  12. I just saw you on Alex Jones Show (https://youtu.be/g8XVa8Bk7KY), talking about Hillary at the beginning. I am making a playlist of videos along with my original one about her health. I am a psychic but also an activist and a news junky of sorts. After viewing about three of your cartoons I stopped watching the video and went on a Google search. They didn’t even have a link to your site in the show notes, that’s weird.
    Anyways, I had to find you to tell you that your artwork is superb. It’s not just a “take a look at this” type of artwork, it’s a “take a good long minute and examine this” artwork. To me, that says more than any words that I could express.
    Nowadays, it’s hard to find anything meaningful or even mind challenging. We are blasted day in and day out with stuff that does nothing but lull our brains to sleep. Your work however, challenges the lazy brain and excites the awakening brain.
    We have a long way to go on this prison planet.. I just wanted you to know that your efforts through the arts is much appreciated. May your muse continue to inspire you to keep up the good work.

    Peace & Blessings,
    Nana Baakan

  13. Peter says:

    Cartoon Suggestion: Driving Miss Daisy. The black driver with an “I’m with her” tee and a BLM hat, and Hillary propped up lika a priviledged corpse in the back seat of the car. Such a cartoon could reach across the isle, I’ve even heard “driving miss daisy” references used in rap songs, most people know about that movie.

  14. Stanley says:

    Hi Ben, can you make a book with your cartoons just like ddees.com does?
    Thank you…

  15. Ron Paul says:


    Right now, we have the potential to accomplish something great. We have the power to abolish the Federal Reserve.

    Donald Trump was elected president in large part due to social media, memes, hashtags, and the like. It is clear that this is a very powerful tool. Now, we can use it again. We will use these methods to get Ron Paul appointed as Secretary Of The Treasury under Donald Trump. With this position, Ron Paul will be able to fulfill his life goal of abolishing the fed. To do this, we need to make this idea go viral. We will spread the hashtag #RonPaulForTreasury.

    To make Ron Paul get this position, Donald Trump needs to see that it’s what We The People want, and it needs to become very viral. We need to bring in a LOT of people to gain attention. Libertarians, conservatives, liberals, progressives, the MAGA movement, the alt-right, Bernie supporters, conspiracy theorists, EVERYONE. Everyone who is anti-establishment and everyone who loves freedom. By garnering enough support, by making this go viral, we can get Donald Trump’s attention and show him that Ron Paul is who We The People want as Secretary Of The Treasury.
    We need to get Ron Paul himself to see the hashtag and the idea, and we need to get Donald Trump himself to see it, as well as the masses. By tweeting it at celebrities, Donald Trump’s children, news outlets, etc and Donald Trump and Ron Paul themselves; as well as spreading it on Facebook, YouTube, and other social media, we can make it get out there. We can also make it go more viral by attaching existing hashtags such as #DrainTheSwamp, #MAGA, and #EndTheFed.
    As it goes mainstream, perhaps we can even get #RonPaulForTreasury t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc out there!

    This is a very big deal, this has the potential to drive the final nail into the fed’s coffin and by extent the NWO. So please Ben, do your part. We need your help. Make cartoons about this, put it on your homepage and twitter and wordpress and facebook, get your followers and supporters to see this. This is a group effort and we desperately need all the help we can get, including your help.

    Here are some images to help spread this: http://imgur.com/a/b4Z3U
    And a backup in case that one goes down: http://imgur.com/a/vA1Xc

    A petition that’s already on the InfoWars homepage (Thanks Alex!): https://www.change.org/p/donald-trump-make-ron-paul-trump-s-secretary-of-state-treasury
    Over 9,000 signatures and it’s only like a day old so far! AWESOME!

    We also have Facebook and Twitter:

    Tweets to re-tweet (with the #RonPaulForTreasury hashtag) to show that Trump supports Ron and wants to audit the fed, proving it is realistic for Ron to get in Trump’s cabinet:

    The freedom of the world depends on this. This will be the fatal blow to the NWO. Please do your part and bring this to the masses! Help us make the #RonPaulForTreasury hashtag go viral!
    This is the NWO’s final days. Together, we will win.

    Thank you for your commitment to freedom, brother. We’ll pull this off, we’ll get Ron Paul appointed as Secretary of the Treasury, and the NWO will fall!


  16. Streed's Reads says:

    Came across your “Shariabucks” (Starbucks) cartoon on Twitter and became a follower. Now following your blog as well.

  17. Alexander Kelley says:

    Do you make personal request concept graphics? I have a few concepts that I’d like made but lack the art-eest ability to any degree that would be impactful. Looking for pro to make them come to life.

  18. Hi Ben,

    I love your cartoons / art / vision / stance. I’m scouring the web
    for news right now and found new cartoons! I do a local public access
    TV thing in Hawaii. Hawaii is really back-water for
    me but it’s away from all the chaos, good and bad as I’m starving to
    be in the action, but on the flip hopefully not getting caught up in
    the “mirror-neuron” assimilation.

    Please check me out:


    I would like to network with other patriots and link up with the
    bigger patriot media eventually.

    Hilo, Hawaii

  19. crew says:

    Hi Ben,

    I would like to add a photo of you to the Ben Garrison article at Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Ben_Garrison

    Is this really you?

    and do you know what the copyright status is on that photo?

  20. ryan says:

    Hey Ben! can I compile some of your cartons, stitch them together and put them on a custom shoe?

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